The Last Day of the Ex
So, Russ and I went to the Red River Ex today.... here are some of the highlights:
1) Went on Niagara Falls -- a roller coaster that takes you through the most wonderful greyish-brown water.... presumably straight from the Red River.
2) Went on something that makes you lay on your stomach and then zooms you around, allowing you to pretend that you do, in fact, possess the ability to fly. Actually, quite fun. It was even more fun being one of the dorky people who holds their arms outstretched in a "flying pose" while gliding through the air. Supplies a few chuckles to the people down below, that's for sure.
3) Went on a "roller coaster" that simply takes you around a complete vertical circle. Fairly frightening -- being strapped in with an ancient looking seatbelt-type contraption and a foamie harness that shifts while you are suspended upside-down who-knows-how-many-stories in the air.
4) Went on a regular roller coaster and hoped that the little girl in front of us didn't have too much junk food before taking the ride.
5) Went on an incredibly fast moving ferris wheel, with a guy with a broken arm and a lady whom I presume was his girlfriend. They kept kissing and whispering to one another. Nah, not awkward at all.... hmmm.... I wonder how he broke his arm?
6) The "Snow-Bowl" (as I like to call it) was definitely a highlight. Crushed ice topped with artificial Blue Raspberry liquid flavouring, piled high in a bowl. The genius who thought that up must be laughing at how much people will pay for ice! Hmmm.... guess I didn't need to say "artificial Blue Raspberry".... there aren't actually blue raspberries out there in nature.... are there?
7) This crazy new ice cream was pretty cool too. I forget the name, but it comes in tiny little ice cream balls. Really cold, though. Really expensive, too.... $5 for a dish smaller than your palm.
8) Mini-doughnuts. Always a DELIGHT!
Who would of thought they had the internet on computers now? Taking a first crack at technology are we? What a day, what a day. Infact, you little blog spot isn't to bad. I think I suddenly felt hell freeze over. I'm joking ofcourse. Good work gorgeous, keep it up.
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