Still on Hold....

So, I don't quite have time to write all that I would want to tonight, so I thought I'd leave you with a few short (but funny) video clip links depicting first, a spoof of the whole Tom Cruise/Oprah fiasco, and second, the real deal.... I hope this tides you over until I get a chance to blabber again, and that you watch and enjoy!
The Spoof:
The Real Deal:
Write to ya later!
hehehe...tom is on crack.. he so funny. i like crazy people.
wow.. cass has hujungous boobs. now is that really low cut top... or did ur boobs eat ur nipples?
rachel - i hear ya about being busy and tired to write... these last few days.. ahahhghaghhghghg...
Thanks for posting this. It cracked me up.
Tom Cruise is regoddamndickulous!
They were both great - The spoof and the Real deal! Thanks for posting. This is the first time I actually saw both of them!!
Hey, and it's not quantity it's quality! I must say, pure quality!
Tom is one wack job. Nothing that I hear about him suprises me now.
How have you been? Has school started there yet?
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