What a Weird Mix....

1) Brought one of my cats to the vet.... she's a little "slow" in many ways (but that's not the issue). She was crazy constipated (yes, I said my cat was constipated) and she needed some professional help....
2) Began to re-touch my resume for an application, but was soon interrupted because....
3) I had to bring another one of my cats to the same vet because he kept crying and hissing, and wouldn't put any weight on one of his hind legs.... turns out he probably sprained his knee, somehow.... they should have those "frequent customer" stamp cards for the vet....
4) Went to work for a couple of hours.... and the two keyboardists from the Backstreet Boys came in to do some shopping. I would never have known who they were, but they told one of the girls at work and she started to freak (incomprehensible screeching, literally). Should've asked for some tickets.... darn afterthought.... ah well, not a big fan anyway....
Betwen reality starts and Backstreet Keyboardists, we have some pretty lax celebrity standards in this country.
u changed ur pic!!! nice! though i do miss the pool noodle. :(
we had a psycho kitty.. he would beat guests when they came and would piss everywhere. then he ran away. poor psycho cat.
how was extra work?
btw... my word verifcation word is: ifuzmn.. it has FU in it.. thot u should know ;)
Our cat hasn't been right since it was "fixed" I think they removed his brain. It is very anti-social too. Oh well guess I don't have to worry about it being in my way.
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