It's All About You....
Ever noticed how people just adore talking about themselves? I have become quite skilled in carrying on entirely one-sided conversations. It's funny how few people actually exhibit interest in the lives of other people. A simple "And you?" thrown into a self-absorbed monologue would do.... but many people can't even manage that much. I believe that I learned the life story of one new co-worker recently, and I bet that she couldn't list three things that she knows about me.... Yah, I suppose I could just go off about my own life, without being asked, but after a while, it kind of becomes a little amusing to see how long one person can rant about themselves while showing an amazing lack of interest in the listener. And, if such an individual is really not interested in the goings-on of the listener, couldn't they at least feign a slight interest and relative politeness with an "And you?", and allow the listener to get in a few words edgewise, before redirecting the conversation back to their favourite topic.... themself. And, at the same time, maybe the listener is almost equally to blame for such a situation..... maybe us listeners just have to come to the sad realization that some people are so wrapped up in themselves that they simply forget that other people may have their own intriguing stories that they'd like to share. Possibly, those passive listeners need to become a little more obtrusive and force the one-sided conversation into two-sidedness. Just a thought.
A Moment of Silence, Please....
Let us all take the time to offer a moment or two of respectful silence and remembrance for all of those devastated by the horrific occurrences of September 11th, 2001, in the United States of America. Yet, amidst the mourning, let us not forget the exceptional acts of humanitarianism and compassion for human suffering that was shown, not only by so many wonderful Americans, but by individuals and groups around the globe. May such compassion continue to be offered to those in need, throughout the potentially lengthy aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
What a Weird Mix....
A truly odd variety of things happened today: 1) Brought one of my cats to the vet.... she's a little "slow" in many ways (but that's not the issue). She was crazy constipated (yes, I said my cat was constipated) and she needed some professional help.... 2) Began to re-touch my resume for an application, but was soon interrupted because....3) I had to bring another one of my cats to the same vet because he kept crying and hissing, and wouldn't put any weight on one of his hind legs.... turns out he probably sprained his knee, somehow.... they should have those "frequent customer" stamp cards for the vet....4) Went to work for a couple of hours.... and the two keyboardists from the Backstreet Boys came in to do some shopping. I would never have known who they were, but they told one of the girls at work and she started to freak (incomprehensible screeching, literally). Should've asked for some tickets.... darn afterthought.... ah well, not a big fan anyway....